The ides of march

Yes, Caesar, you're going down in a second. And Brutus is being there. This film remains, of course, comes from the singular version of Caesar worst I've seen (although Charlton Heston as Antony is a close second ... in fact there is a good version), but fascinating, because Marlon Brando plays Antony and well, it's Brando for the love of God. I used to show this version when I taught the game, pausing at a rally in which one of the extras are caught in the toga of an extra and has to beat his way out. Yes, when you're teaching 30 students Cesar grade 10 six times a day, this is high comedy.

Anyway, it's the Ides of March, dear readers. Play it safe.

And while you are looking out for Brutus and his dagger and portentous omens and the boys running through the streets on fire (well, actually I think is the Republican primary), long jump at the Tour of the skin second blog (just click on the banner on the side of my blog) a new book by Judith Graves in Skinned Series is out and we all made ​​different accommodations and activities to celebrate! I get up, interviewing her at 3.20 and she was in my interview! So stop back then, too.
It's been a strange week - the kind with minimum wrenching and euphoric highs - in fact, both came in one day, as I was weird.

So be careful!
Or, as my husband and I like to say, quoting John Irving The World According to Garp, "Beware the Undertoad" What's so funny as saying Beware the Ides of March.
